Darien Province
The Darien region, with a total land
surface of 16,803 km, is the largest province
in Panama, the most sparsely populated, and
the least well known. It is a region
of dense tropical rainforest. Its indigenous
population of Embera, Wounaan, and Kuna live
in settlements scattered along the numerous
river valleys. (The Darien Jungle has also
been called "The Darkest Jungle")
Until 20 years ago, there were no roads in
the Darien; now there is a gravel highway
cutting through its center down as far as
the town of Yaviza, 100 km short of the Colombian
border. This 100 km stretch is the only uncompleted
piece of the Pan-American Highway, which connects
overland commerce between North and South
This is beginning
to change. Indian groups throughout the shrinking
tropical forests of Central America are presently
fighting to gain title to their territories.
Conflicts over indigenous land rights have become
one of the most pressing social issues in the
In early 1993, the Congreso
Embera-Wounaan-Kuna began working with the Centro
de Estudios y Accion Social Panameno (CEASPA)
on a project to map indigenous land use in the
Darien. From May through October 1993, a team
consisting of two professionally trained cartographers
and 23 local surveyors encuestadores made maps
that meticulously depict river systems and show
where local communities hunt, fish, farm, cut
firewood, gather building materials, and collect
medicines. The maps clearly indicate the extent
of the territory utilized the indigenous peoples
of the Darien and the ways in which they manage
their natural resources.
final map of the Darien, completed in March
1994, is crucial to discussions about the future
of the region, which stands on the brink of
massive and potentially devastating change.
Although the proposed Pan-American Highway would
cut through the very heart of their territory,
Indians have thus far been given little voice
in the matter. The mapping process and public
forums are all attempts to change this situation.
"We are making [our lands and their uses]
clear to our government," said Leopoldo
Eacorizo, the General Chief of the Congreso
Embera-Wounaan-Kuna, "so that it can understand
and coordinate with us on solutions to problems
that involve us." |